Thursday, February 27th
Preview Party
Presented with: 
Benefactors 5:30 PM | patrons 7:00 pm
Black Tie Optional
Enjoy a plated dinner by Southern Bleu Catering, live music by Who Rescued Who, an open bar, a grantee guest speaker, and dancing at the famous black-tie event that features early shopping for benefactors and patrons.
Friday, February 28th
Antiques Show
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM | GENERAL ADMISSION $25
Keynote Presentation
featuring Timothy Corrigan
Presented with: 
10:00 AM | Book signing, “At Home in France” to follow
11:30-1:00 PM
Presentation with
Margot Shaw & Canaan Marshall
2:00 PM | $60
Antique Appraisals
with Lark Mason
Exclusively available by appointment
12:00 – 4:00 PM
Saturday, March 1st
Antiques Show
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM | GENERAL ADMISSION $25
Presentation with McMillen, Inc. Designers
Ann Pyne & Elizabeth Pyne Singer
Presented with: 
10:00 AM | Book signing, “100 Years of Decorating” to follow
11:30-1:00 PM
Presentation with Brooke & Steve Giannetti
Presented with: 
1:30 PM | Book signing, “Patina Homes & Gardens” to follow
Antique Appraisals
with Lark Mason
Exclusively available by appointment
12:00 – 4:00 PM
Antiques and Aperitifs
6:00 PM
Bring a friend to shop, socialize, and build your art & antique collection at an intimate cocktail party featuring live music, bites, and drinks. Presented with Thomasville Pictures.
Sunday, March 2nd
Antiques Show
11:00 AM – 2:30 PM | GENERAL ADMISSION $25
Antiques & Etiquette
1:00 PM
Presented with: 
Supported by:
Learn table-setting best practices while enjoying small bites with friends at our newest event for youth ages 9-14 in partnership with the Junior League of Cotillion.